Tuesday, March 05, 2019

2.2498 : 3/05/12 : Freshmen

Thinking on the freshmen
at the school of unexpected hits
lives usurped for ten years
being friends
in all the funny skits
start out so fresh and
sweetly uncool
end so slick
well lit beside each pool
oh did you have a clue
what you were on to?

I might be a freshman
in a class I barely know is there
maybe we will meet up
in the hall or on the stair
the dead ends where
I used to hole up and smoke
a thing that's absolutely done
that at least is no joke
this time I'll try the fellowship
submit that paper too
I'll take the not so subtle hints
came steaming off of you
Everything starts somewhere
why not here and why not now
an ever present hope I have
a sort of eternal now


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