Friday, April 11, 2008

A Song a Day, So Far: April 11, 1998 - April 11, 2008

A brief interruption to note the tenth anniversary of the inception of the song of the day project! Of course, due to my taking 5-ish year hiatus in the middle of it I've only written 2,077 songs to date, instead of more than 3,600, but nevertheless.

I must also look back in some consternation at the posting of the first lyric on this song blogging project. July 2006! Can that be right?! Almost 2 years to post 270 songs. Clearly this will not do, I'll be 103 before I post the final lyric*.

It's cool: that's what we call job security, my friends. I hope to increase the frequency of posting to near one a day - although staying on top of writing the new songs remains my highest priority. In fact I think I'm due to write one right about now.

* (I'm aiming for 10,000 consecutive songs, starting from May 4, 2005 for those just joining us - the first 1,001 songs, written between 1998 and 2001, those which I'm currently blogging, serving as a warm-up to the current project - daily songs that I'm currently writing, and for which I provide a more-or-less weekly status report, as discussed here).

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