Wednesday, June 18, 2008

310 : 2/14/99 : The Gear Game

Big gear drive a small gear faster
small gear drive a big gear slower
Somehow we prevent disaster
But our chances now are lower
Take my place and drive my gear
Directed by the bigger wheels
The Mainspring drives it all down here
I wonder how the guy who winds it feels
Should I play the great gear game
And be a great big wheel like those
who move and shake it in the name
Of giant empty houses and designer clothes
I don’t think so anymore
I’ve seen a vision of a brighter day
I don’t know what’s in store
For me, well everybody feels that way
But if I could find what makes me tick
and truly know my heart’s desire
Then maybe it would all just finally click
And I would finally catch my fire

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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