Tuesday, May 26, 2009


With the dates of the posted songs so close to an even decade ago I decided to experiment with trying to keep the postings current for a while. Seeing as how I haven't posted anything in over a month maybe the title of this post should be overcompensation, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. In my experience also, generally, something ventured, nothing gained, but who's counting. Wow, I'm in a really vicious, cynical frame of mind today. Anyway. Since I'm not willing to have this thing rule my life I'll necessarily have to break with my former convention and post more than one song some days when I miss a day or, uh, thirty. I guess. If I get too far behind I suppose I'll likely to abandon the effort. Maybe it will spur me to keep it up a little better. Or not. The meaninglessness of failure is merely one of the thrilling rewards of utter unimportance.

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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