Monday, January 31, 2022

2.3560 : 1/31/15 : Hundred Weight (Endless Axis 293/500)

I load my pockets
by the hundred weight
proof against such moments
so don't hesitate
I bet the family jewels
On caverns vast
And how the present
spins the future into past


Sunday, January 30, 2022

2.3559 : 1/30/15 : Typing Test (Endless Axis 292/500)

Called upon
the typing test
better I guess than an
exploding vest
glance in a mirror
am I the change I'm looking for
get in on this disenchanted
world on the ground floor
I stopped calling out
turned my face
I can't be killed
though I will be replaced
as this flight grinds
to existential arrest
and I go down consigned
to take the typing test


2.3558 : 1/29/15 : Course (Endless Axis 291/500)

Just now I need to shut up
and change course:
I need to drink a river
need to eat a horse
I need fire and spirits
in equal portions
a bracer for the shock
and the end of all distortions


Friday, January 28, 2022

2.3557 : 1/28/15 : Visionary, Translator (Endless Axis 290/500)

Visionary, translator
plan hater
gotta drift
I'll spin you when I
Parabolic concentrator
Wide net
fire hose later
Open plan
Open heart
Soon ten years since
I hit start


Thursday, January 27, 2022

2.3556 : 1/27/15 : 5 Vie (Endless Axis 289/500)

5 vie for frame space
in my mind
Science and Transcendence
And oh how they twine
Ecology and Justice
oh grasping for what's true
and a fifth I cannot name
but I know it's You
I had a dream
awake in light
in a sound of pounding surf
that I cooked up one night
As I felt the five
Grasp and tug and pull
it seems old nameless must win out
but until then my dance card's full


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2.3555 : 1/26/15 : 24 1 Down (Endless Axis 288/500)

24, 1 down
I professed and promised
Knowing I'm a clown
Playing this pantomime
I was never up to do the time
but I did it anyway
and never really stopped
Or questioned that play
soon 2, 3 4 5
Everyone will pass blankly
I suppose I'll wind up still alive
but I'll pretend it's not a trick
I'll land this one and make it stick
and ride it home on a rail
no more excuses
no more chasing my tail


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

2.3554 : 1/25/15 : Pine (Endless Axis 287/500)

Rushing through a lot
Someday you fear
you'll pine to savor
every rough spot
It doesn't seem nice
and it doesn't seem good
and who the hell are you
to tell me what I should?
And still that
doesn't get me anywhere
I'd love a new routine
or just to sit and blindly stare
but all I've got's this sighing
heaving up forever trying

Monday, January 24, 2022

2.3553 : 1/24/15 : Condensate (Endless Axis 286/500)

Stab blind again now
trying to pin the condensate
have I got anything
besides I hope it's not too late
do I believe in the meaning still
as much as in the bitter pill
and if I have to climb this hill
I'll take you all with me I will
Somebody smarter than me
has already tried and failed
and catastrophes come thick
however I might rant and rail
Well here's your little ray of sun
another few is all I'm done
I could be you or anyone
You: have a little crazy fun


Sunday, January 23, 2022

2.3552 : 1/23/15 : Thread Back (Endless Axis 285/500)

Gotta get up up
pulled that thread back hard
heedless of what unravels
or what it might foment for a bard
lurking in this reproachful tower
dreaming about the manifesto
trying to figure out what's that's opposite
trying to spring the trick hey presto
deliver unto me a vision
Oh I don't believe in any of that smack
it's just a way of telling stories
at least until the thread snaps back


Saturday, January 22, 2022

2.3551 : 1/22/15 : No Runner (Endless Axis 284/500)

Slow off the mark
and no runner
Never had much luck
except as a gunner
in a war of worlds
back in the tower days
despite it if I could
I wouldn't relive that haze
So what now
nothing but up and out
over the sandbags
fake this savage shout
Until I get picked off
or break through
I spun a lot of tales
but I can't fake you


Friday, January 21, 2022

2.3550 : 1/21/15 : Puzzle (Endless Axis 283/500)

Is this a puzzle
or just a mess
I'd get on top of it
but I got so much stress
Will it yield to me
if I sleep on it tonight
wake me with the answer
steady creep from dim to light


Thursday, January 20, 2022

2.3549 : 1/20/15 : It Makes You Think (Endless Axis 282/500)

It makes you think
about how the time always
keeps slipping
I read a joint about it
Called count the clock
that shit was gripping
wish we could go back
Knowing what we know
It's just impossible
It makes you think
could it be everything's saved
could be all loss is bull
but is the bad saved too
the agony eternal
ever hanging there
it makes me think
it's typical: no
easy answers anywhere


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2.3548 : 1/19/15 : Battery (Endless Axis 281/500)

Does the battery have enough
charge in in it?
You'd think so it's sure
enough large i'n'it?
What's left that's
penny for a pound these days?
how will I live with it
If my sound dismays?
I pulled the poison plug
jeez 15 years
just have to dodge the random squirts
the imp aims at my ears
started to charge the battery
and now I'm at my peak
and I'll power up your crazy bike
'Cause you're my kind of freak


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

2.3547 : 1/18/15 : Idea Men (Endless Axis 280/500)

Heaven help me and preserve me
from the idea men
a thousand curses on the fools
who live by the damn pen
my left hand in a bloody box
to the one who can sell me release
cast me into trackless sleep
and bid every idea to cease


Monday, January 17, 2022

2.3546 : 1/17/15 : TALL (Endless Axis 279/500)

It's a Right
to turn aside
the storybook mentality
all's well, ever
it's a ride
the black and white duality
but things go on
and things occur
it seems you must make
Something of it all
If you somehow didn't
Still be a story sure
and real and made up
seem equally tall


2.3545 : 1/16/15 : Retread (Endless Axis 278/500)

Can I just retread
something already said
oh good shall be saved
and every trial braved
the moment it will come
I'll come in proud welcome
retread that line one more day
a dream but hey that's okay


Saturday, January 15, 2022

2.3544 : 1/15/15 : Target (Endless Axis 277/500)

My invisible target
my highest point ambition
backed into the same corner
try to squeeze past the attrition
with these tricks of lists and schedules
with this magic charm
with so little firm to go on
but be kind and do less harm
I'm up to my neck in it
these worldly ends and means
I'm down here with the plebeians
we're packed in like sardines
and would I wish to swim upstream
oh would I wish to rise
risk getting eaten by a
bigger fish sure no surprise
but my target looms over
Still enticing, lost, unseen
But if I'm to stop shooting blindly
I'm going to need a new routine


Friday, January 14, 2022

2.3543 : 1/14/15 : The Chaos Script (Endless Axis 276/500)

I try to tap the leisure well
but all I get's the chaos script
try again try again try again
or so the motivation robots quipped
If I only had a hero's heart
I would just toss it all and write the book
but I want a sure thing or at least some insurance
So I keep searching searching for that hook


Thursday, January 13, 2022

2.3542 : 1/13/15 : Wondering (Endless Axis 275/500)

Still wondering
what time's made of
and who makes it
Still wondering
what works this thirst up
What slakes it
will I stop wondering
or breathing first
Will time ever
dull this thirst?


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

2.3541 : 1/12/15 : Pithed (Endless Axis 274/500)

After the ice-pick cold
pithed my skull
the leeches drew their blood
and sent me reeling out
for belly full
And pretty soon
got the pick again
it's a miracle
I can still count to ten
and what's the point
of these mundane tales
What's the point of anything
that won't drive sales
I used to think I had
all that jack dicked
but the pings and yarrows
just picked and picked and picked


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

2.3540 : 1/11/15 : Voices (Endless Axis 273/500)

I don't hear voices
no it's more like a hum
lean in and I'll murmur
where I reckon it's from
this kid I know showed me
two mirrors opposed
and the illusion thus composed
two kids
two tin cans
ten billion strings
why in the hell
am I still counting things
wanna get up up
I deny myself my favorite leaf
and the new one I turned over
was bitter
and gave no relief
Soon the black tide
will roll over
you'll laugh but that's my
bright side
I add that one to the
book of searches
and give thanks to my
thick hide
let me lose the marks and reminders
let me find work
and affix the blinders
and let the not-voices
drone and roar
and let me want
for nothing more


2.3539 : 1/10/15 : Hand In It (Endless Axis 272/500)

Betrayal and abandonment
make a good tale
Where's your hand in it
Nowhere in these pages
these passages
Guess I got fed up
Guess I said what gives
I made a little noise
I don't suppose you noticed
I guess I'd a been better off
dwelling on the lotus
or the holy writs
or the stars or yarrow stalks
a nasty little voice says
better listen how the money talks


Sunday, January 09, 2022

2.3538 : 1/9/15 : Riposte (Endless Axis 271/500)

Every vicious riposte
then what I flashed:
the most
savory return of all
hells yeah
the ball


Saturday, January 08, 2022

2.3537 : 1/8/15 : Volleys (Endless Axis 270/500)

Get lost among the volleys
So many arrows
I dreamed God took a nap
So I had to count the sparrows
as they flew under the shadows
of ten thousand spinning shafts
and I spun my wheels in shallow surf
ignoring my first drafts
can we not call a truce
I get shouted out from all sides
and I should get this act together
Comes more marches, comes more ides
but I'll end up a pincushion
I go out without a shield
and I still can't seem to stomach
Choosing which weapon to wield


Friday, January 07, 2022

2.3536 : 1/7/15 : Drop a Dime (Endless Axis 269/500)

Drop a dime
a penny in this cup
I swear to God
I'm going to quit
and give it up
then I don't
then I don't
then I don't once more
and heaven help me
what the hell's in store
the killer cowards
still running amok
still struggling with the
bottom line and feeling stuck
Still get a glimpse of
through clouds that briefly part
still not quite halfway there
it's more now than a start


Thursday, January 06, 2022

2.3535 : 1/6/15 : All Along (Endless Axis 268/500)

And just like that
I see: all the wrong reasons
and can't recall the right ones
and thinking of the seasons
all gone oh so
Long long ago
then I remember
and it's still
what it was about all along


Wednesday, January 05, 2022

2.3534 : 1/5/15 : Salton Sea (Endless Axis 267/500)

Dreaming real in a
standard fugue
living on the Salton Sea
burning Partagas
only the desert's free
Don't think about 
beating the odds
outlive the good ones
Stuck with the pods
Expire only half old
On the Salton Sea
build parks for kids
Plant a palm tree


Tuesday, January 04, 2022

2.3533 : 1/4/15 : Previously (Endless Axis 266/500)

Back to the square
previously named
well aware of by whom
I got gamed
best at this point
to keep it zipped
someday hard to believe
but this too got shipped


Monday, January 03, 2022

2.3532 : 1/3/15 : The Bottom Line (Endless Axis 265/500)

Could I call this progress
the bottom line's not shifting
Should I write the manifesto
could I straight resort to grifting
try to dowse what's in my nature
savage brevity no edits
Someday I'll tip you to the answers
buried in the final credits


Sunday, January 02, 2022

2.3531 : 1/2/15 : Even So (Endless Axis 264/500)

Why did I sign up for this
valleys and hills
Why are things run by these
hustlers and shills
What will the future bring
do I want to know
hardly caught up again
but I'll keep my resolution even so
