Tuesday, May 31, 2022

2.3680 : 5/31/15 : Rubicon (Endless Axis 413/500)

Keep crossing these Rubicons
without meaning to
or knowing it
Well no for truth
I meant it well enough
but how was I to know
when I kept blowing it
And it doesn't come
with much satisfaction
I take what I can get
becaues you're playing
the long game now
and it's a promise not a bet


Monday, May 30, 2022

2.3679 : 5/30/15 : That Vinegar (Endless Axis 412/500)

Did I dream again
of old vices
at least I dream them with
the same prices
And wake mulling
Your last hour
today that vinegar
comes very sour
try to dial in the
everyday without habit
try to take the big world
little rabbit
straighten up
Walk it anew
do you see it
guess I hope you do


2.3678 : 5/29/15 : Toll (Endless Axis 411/500)

What's this usual
the old familiar
hell bell toll
What else to say
been there too
and hating being back
through and through
I groan and toss
the cycle dismal
the toll it takes
no entry abysmal


2.3677 : 5/28/15 : Flip Side (Endless Axis 410/500)

Format used to be simple
two dimensional always had a flip side
a place to turn it over
You knew where to change the ride
now it's always on demand
the shuffle the continuous play
oh I'd rather be on the flip side today
Ah the retro kick only ever
Works a little
every medium bows
every jot and dittle
but I'm so sick of the endless glide
and I just want to make it
a flip side
I used to think it was
the smash cut Jack move
I used to think I had
a whole lot to prove
what's the end of a first half
Sound like
not quite there yet
but it's a short hike


2.3676 : 5/27/15 : Creeps (Endless Axis 409/500)

Bust up from the start
I knew it wasn't for the faint of heart
The try again getting pretty stale
While my mission creeps in the face of travail
A list here and a list there
One unwritten describes a pear
that's the shape of the going of the best laid
What choice but to drink the Later-Ade
Later the song the book the masterpiece
Later travel, charity, the fight for peace
What creeps out of the modern jungle
a whole lotta unexpected mission to bungle
And then a pin in it and back to scrum
Got to do what's to do from here to Kingdom Come
and try to find the moment and a positive vibe
pending a signal from my post-ismic tribe
my imaginary million distributed freak
more I don't know so thereof I don't speak
Call it a tall tale about hope
all it a course correction call it a trope


2.3675 : 5/26/15 : Fake Means (Endless Axis 408/500)

Try in a minute
to articulate
these things
I must not accommodate
these screens
false means
Promising to pay later
for foolish things
base butter
for the battery
and all dark thought
that just
tears down on me


2.3674 : 5/25/15 : Don't Call It (Endless Axis 407/500)

No clue
where I'm at
in this match
but oh I'm tired
the sad refrain
the book of days
it sired
don't call it a fight
Don't call it a fight
I don't know
what I'm doing
but it isn't that
I'll meet you next
On my true home turf
you better watch
While I establish my habitat
don't cal it a fight
it was never fair
was it Stretch
hey how's the air up there
If I pass back here
On the journey down
You'll know me then
by the golden crown


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

2.3673 : 5/24/15 : Crack It (Endless Axis 406/500)

Blah blah blah
and who's listening
another bright
dream glistening
waiting for me
to crack that nut
I've never yet
but but but


Monday, May 23, 2022

2.3672 : 5/23/15 : Unconditional Love (Endless Axis 405/500)

When will I ever get it
it's just the moment
and unconditional love
doesn't matter
another scratch-off failed me
doesn't matter
anything below above
no reference, no system
no rules at all
take me back to a full moment
pause height smoke thrall


Sunday, May 22, 2022

2.3671 : 5/22/15 : Turned Out (Endless Axis 404/500)

Every expectation
turned out like a pocket
no matter how mean
got to grasp got to
rock it
I hate to think it
but push on the same
turned out
fight ready
still seems a shame
like there should be
some ready berth
someplace carved
my shape on this earth
no matter how I shift
my patterns through
it keep coming up
the same skew


2.3670 : 5/21/15 : Cast (Endless Axis 403/500)

Maybe a bouillon
a cube of salt
a little sugar
if not hey my fault
hell if I know
Just what I just cast
it's always now
now's always turning past


Friday, May 20, 2022

2.3669 : 5/20/15 : Well (Endless Axis 402/500)

This well is feeling dry
I've sure thought it before
and then yet found again
There was a little more
Said inexhaustible
could there be such a thing
the more it's used it's said
the more the great horn brings
dug with the hands alone
no metaphor just facts
So lay another line
See how it all reacts
A dark dream I recall
patterns a prison cage
I'd tell you of those times
but I'd reveal my age


2.3668 : 5/19/15 : Pre-Slack (Endless Axis 401/500)

the pre-slack tact
hardly a syllable
to react
I wanted the
feared what would
be shown to me
but I had to
Open the throttle
and growl
and let my fearful
freak loose
on the prowl


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

2.3667 : 5/18/15 : Cloud (Endless Axis 400/500)

Does it end
on a sunny note
no cloud to
grasp at my throat
bright century
four of five
salute the sun
and any left alive


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

2.3666 : 5/17/15 : Dashed (Endless Axis 399/500)

Every tunnel
every passage beneath
all five thousand
iffy songs
is how I cut my teeth
I felt the
killing of it
coming on
dashed on the
and wrung out
like a gong


Monday, May 16, 2022

2.3665 : 5/16/15 : Tracks (Endless Axis 398/500)

Many directions
little motive force
felt myself on tracks before
still wonder at the source
that keeps me twisting
I knew I dreamed the old man's
coughing for he surely died
and how do these strange dreams
connect to the poison of tracks
both darkly leading
to some cataracts


2.3664 : 5/15/15 : Peak (Endless Axis 397/500)

Not feeling it
the light yet so clearly there
Someday someday
I'll know that I'm
nearly there
and maybe
not speak of it
and maybe
another peak summit


2.3663 : 5/14/15 : Though Dim (Endless Axis 396/500)

Resist the
gloomy urge
to dwell on
gloomy thinking
Still lives the spark
Still lives the flame
though dim
unsteady blinking
not put upon
a pedestal
not shirking
work's requirement
but still
here feeling strangely young
and no thought
for the retirement


2.3662 : 5/13/15 : My Back (Endless Axis 395/500)

Nothing else today
but to briefly praise
what I knocked
off my back
Wave that stick around
take shots about the crown
if you don't like it
how about the other track
Curl to be straight
I spring back from the weight
free and lighter
worth a toast
lost track of days
doesn't matter still pays
I might just recorporate
old gumption's ghost


Thursday, May 12, 2022

2.3661 : 5/12/15 : Routine (Endless Axis 394/500)

All the routine hounds
I thought to emulate
And how I end up
and with what on the plate
dished it up
Wondering at last
if this is where
I start to buckle


2.3660 : 5/11/15 : Self Hate (Endless Axis 393/500)

Is the worst thing
the self hate
or the no time
halfway to dead
or so
call this prime
it's all a
but I'm stuck with it
not really
but I'm stubborn
So I'm gonna
fuck with it


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

2.3659 : 5/10/15 : Identity (Endless Axis 392/500)

Make progress
interrogate identity
tough a high bar
few get far in I see
A lot of surface to scratch
hard hard to crack the shell
that ain't the half of it
but it'd be a tale to tell


Monday, May 09, 2022

2.3658 : 5/9/15 : Laminates (Endless Axis 391/500)

Precious little underneath
this primate dance
strip away the laminates
reveal a dim chance
Somewhere in the old books
Out of favor so unhip
maybe at least plug a few
holes in a slowly sinking ship
maybe a hundred years
maybe even five
hell either way at all
no chance at all we're alive
hell in the wide world of words
what chance a scrap of this survives
So someone please tell me
Why the hell I strive strive strive


Sunday, May 08, 2022

2.3657 : 5/8/15 : Coming Out (Endless Axis 390/500)

I ate this battery
now guess what's
coming out
double header
big release
not even what
the real show's
might guess it
glows on contact
might guess it
vibrates man
it'll find some
My brother true
my good friend Dan
It'll sink a silent
submarine on
It'll get you
it'll come one


Saturday, May 07, 2022

2.3656 : 5/7/15 : A Little (Endless Axis 389/500)

Show a little
here and there
just the highlights
a patch of light on bare
skin, a quiet place
retreat, rest
and nothing
to get off my chest


Friday, May 06, 2022

2.3655 : 5/6/15 : Permissible (Endless Axis 388/500)

What's possible
whats permissible
who wants to know
Who thinks I would kiss and tell
I got so permissive
I got so laid back
As what could be deemed
possible began to stack


Thursday, May 05, 2022

2.3654 : 5/5/15 : Something Wonderful (Endless Axis 387/500)

Something wonderful
remember wonder sort of
no admission price
no nasty portal requiring a short shove
practically automatic
I spooled out reels
like psychedelic somatic
and the currency I
turned on a million lights
all started with something
wonderful delights


2.3653 : 5/4/15 : Kneel and Fold (Endless Axis 386/500)

Am I supposed
to believe in that bell
who's ringing mine
who believes in mine
tell me it's not like
casting a spell
just tell me there's
an end to all the incline
I kneel and fold
just like I buy it all
Breathe not a hint
versus the protocol
I try to fake
but I'm no actor
I wear my bitter heart
out for all to see
just hope for some relief
I didn't factor
swear next time
to stick to pleasantry


Tuesday, May 03, 2022

2.3652 : 5/3/15 : Search the Sky (Endless Axis 385/500)

Just apply a frame
the Sunday box
pews just the same
now something looser
ceilings high
Still I still I
Search the sky
Sought for traces
secret signs
Some called
superstitious anodynes
sought techniques
to amplify
still and yet
I search the sky


Monday, May 02, 2022

2.3651 : 5/2/15 : Slung (Endless Axis 384/500)

Enough got slung
I wasn't having none
more so ditch it
Someday probably switch it
What's it even mean
this senseless fast machine
if I'm a cog still do my best
For now at least
be a cog at rest


Sunday, May 01, 2022

2.3650 : 5/1/15 : Restless (Endless Axis 383/500)

Whatever restless impulse
smooth away every ripple and peak
A flat space may lack excitement
but it's a place to let the moment speak
maybe I've been revolving on this point
the positive plane coming back around
Maybe my restless hour is falling
maybe at last I get to go to ground
