Monday, November 30, 2020

2.3133 : 11/30/13 : Just World

To reject superstition
must I allow there is no just world
pity my poor cranium
against that blank brick wall I heaved and hurled
am I an unrefined hick
can't fathom justice not delivered from on high
and injustice is manifest
and our ideals seem twelve times further than the sky
the worm turns again
move fool I used to think it mattered which way
another purge of the system
and all superstitious it is for a fresh start I'll pray


Sunday, November 29, 2020

2.3132 : 11/29/13 : La La Land

For someone who decided
to commit to the present
I sure spent an awful
long damn time in La La Land
Oh I sang tough sure about
the ones easy to flip
I sang real tough about
the curse of the everyman
I don't like to rely on providence
I'm a guy who doesn't ignore evidence
But when you find the well of the real full dry
you're apt to ignore the beam in your eye
Turned out not single soul prayed hard enough
to live forever and get all the stuff
And if ask me my bright eyes have started to pall
At the thought it works out that way at all
So forgive me if I just
Check in for another tour
in lovely La La Land
If you want to reach me
it's a simple affair
You just make sure you
show up with the bird right in your hand


Saturday, November 28, 2020

2.3131 : 11/28/13 : To Try

Dull but what else
simply to try
Infiltrate the real
flow don't just pass by
Is this it
is it happening
how do you tell
the riddle wraps a mystery
and probably just as well
when it clicks
you don't ask just
when the music
dries up all
all you can do is move
I try to believe
but stumbling blocks
are thick
who put them
all there
Oh not to care
that's the final


Friday, November 27, 2020

2.3130 : 11/27/13 : Chorus

Tired of banging on about
the daily portion
while every Greek chorus
squawks the same exhortation
be here now
but where is here?
and just what the hell's so special
about now
each talk but out here
on the shattering edge
it takes more than chorus
fortune cookies to talk you down
from the ledge
and there's no action
in this great sacred present
anyway and hey at this point
I think I'm entitled to
a little


Thursday, November 26, 2020

2.3129 : 11/26/13 : The Hit

I'm lazy so I'll just
get all meta and sing
about the hit
I'm sure I'll lighten up
someday real soon
and get around to writing it
I'll no doubt figure out
how to make that crazy vidya
on a shoe string
it'll solve all my problems
make a million
yeah and just fix everything
I'll be that guy
they'll have me on all the shows
make me do the dance
they'll be so bored
with my little family
they'll want to see a little dark romance
you'll all get bored
even the parodies and covers
will dry up
my sophomore's swing
will leave a trail of merchandise
no one will buy up
in ten years they'll say
where is he now
the guy who wrote the one hit
Oh I'll save every check
it's nothing more than I'd expect
the sign will say he done split


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2.3128 : 11/25/13 : Face First

Plan something clever
wind up face first
Plan the winning run
end up in place worst
forgot the follow through
and fucking ate it
should laugh it off
but I just scowl and hate it


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

2.3127 : 11/24/13 : Phantasms as Bad as Phantoms

Phantasms as bad as phantoms
at the brink of every doing
Sure the human race is haunted
All our lofty schemes ungluing
Try to tell me that it matters
If it's all just in my head
And so it goes and so who knows
So every day we make this bed
Can't believe I'm on this cusp again
of taking up the pen
am I really talking this talk
trying out this mask again
no of course I never really stopped
of course I do it every day
but oh to hear what dread phantasms
as bad as phantoms have to say
I won't make a single promise
I won't even offer odds
but I'll crack at it a useless hour
or two hey it's no crime ye gods
let it be the first or last
hell I don't even care which one
maybe just the next delusion
let it be as long as it's begun


Monday, November 23, 2020

2.3126 : 11/23/13 : Mr. Zero

I'm so happy to be
starting out as Mr. Zero
halfway through
maybe halfway hero
halfway through or
maybe more or maybe much less
pardon me
pardon me if I digress
It's a state of grace
oh don't you know
such rich nothing
my what zero
I'm so happy to be
starting out at square
hm I guess it's zero
Look how you can't help but stare


Sunday, November 22, 2020

2.3125 : 11/22/13 : Wheel of Ghostly Function

I'd like to think this fresh affliction
might make some junction
but I fear it's just a spoke
On this great wheel of ghostly function
and I'm tired tired tired
and the pain is abundant
and just now anyway
prayer and planning seem redundant
Oh I could go on and on
like that damn spectral wheel
make up another last stand
make another sweet appeal
I could go on hiatus
and hell I could just quit
Despite the wheel's dire shadow though
I will not even think of it


2.3124 : 11/21/13 : Twitch

I got to get to
the bottom of this twitch
probably too late
for a timely stitch
but enough is enough
turn of the switch
leave it to tomorrow
for another wild pitch


Friday, November 20, 2020

2.3123 : 11/20/13 : Chatter

Feeling the chatter
feeling the stir
goodness does it scatter
goodness does it whir
I try to tame it
I try to be passive
I have to claim it
failure is massive
If it's never quiet
for a minute no
my squirming is a riot
no but i'n'it, tho
if you shut it up
you wonder at what half you lost
but I think I could fill that cup
at half the cost


Thursday, November 19, 2020

2.3122 : 11/19/13 : Numbers and Signs

I played a million games
with numbers and signs
said I was ready to step up
Soon as every star aligns
hunting patterns you know
it's just our nature
If you roll up in the middle
of mine you better state your
business are you part
of the pattern the plan
are you the one I've been waiting for
the teacher, the man
take my hand
we're walking away from
the numbers the signs
from quick fixes, tricks the
ponzi schemes and anodynes


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2.3121 : 11/18/13 : Inventory

I signed up for the inventory
I wrote the check
I'm not a hundred percent
but what the heck
Don't know how little
Don't know how late
I'm just telling myself
It will be great
In the dark arcs of the night
I sigh and sigh
So much can never happen
So much can pass you by
Hey a day's a day
And you'll sure hear the story
Of this next big push
now starting with the inventory


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

2.3120 : 11/17/13 : Bail Out

No one will buy
the bail out
and far too many
still might fail out
may I buy the optimism
of a half dozen hence
I fear I hear a voice
of experience
and if it's a bailout
the plane's going to crash
So I'll hang on to that stick
now watch me thrash


Monday, November 16, 2020

2.3119 : 11/16/13 : Tragedy

Are we all cooking
an earth sized tragedy
oh is it just what's
been going on forever
oh it's nice to be
a human sized
no matter the tragedy
silence will soon
forever sever
What would be worse
a long agonizing decline
and crash
true catastrophe
or this same old
mish mash
just rolling
and rolling
I'll never know
but I can ask for free


Sunday, November 15, 2020

2.3118 : 11/15/13 : Home State

Read about the man
up in my home state
how he wrote that song
that felt like pure fate
to this boy who was three
when it went down
how I sang and sang it
in my 3rd town
how I haven't got it
how I'm not that
hearing all the context
I tip my hat
guess I'm glad just idling
in my home state
maybe I won't ask
for more on my plate


Saturday, November 14, 2020

2.3117 : 11/14/13 : Will Work for Music

Will work for music
See I'm doing it doing it
cut up the dictionary
see I'm gluing it
up but the pile's so high
and I've got to ask why
you never bring me any
Ah one fellow said I
lack the true quill
That lady said
I took the wrong pill
and I just say
It's the only way
I know so I keep working
hoping for the music


Friday, November 13, 2020

2.3116 : 11/13/13 : Tendrils

I don't know what tendrils these are
showing through
I don't really want to start that thing
I said I'd do
Surely I don't want to go back
to the same
they curl and turn and
there goes the game
I feel like like grabbing
pull it inside out
find out what this
twinging barb's about
gather my rags and cans
to stake a claim
they twine and
climb and reach
there goes the game


Thursday, November 12, 2020

2.3115 : 11/12/13 : Log

Do I gotta keep
the captain's log again
to try to
bootstrap out
of this dull sin
of seeking solace
in the spit warm flow
the mess of tubes
the dim electron glow
Effect the log-in
set the secret code
praying at last
I'll tap the mother lode
I know the symptom's
not the real disease
if you think up a cure
do log it please


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

2.3114 : 11/11/13 : Miss

Every swing a miss
it happens
willing on that wisp
I'm scrapping
fifty hundred old dumb dreams
nothing but what
nothing seems
and will the new thing stick?
call these old lives
a devil's
hat trick


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

2.3113 : 11/10/13 : Ridiculous

The thing had not
I realized
got so ridiculous yet
S'damn my eyes
Get good while goodies got get
Yeah it's a bolt
I'm a rum one oft a fool
but not quite yet a dolt


Monday, November 09, 2020

2.3112 : 11/09/13 : Authority

The game, the game
the half pauses
the rain the shame the
escape clauses
So many things
don't deserve to be good
sometimes they are anyway
don't you think there would
be some authority
but there ain't nah
how do you think he'd
explain it brah
well keep anything short
and double up the beat
throw a little flash in
make the lyric sweet
the game the game all
past the point
of no return
as such
decamp this joint


Sunday, November 08, 2020

2.3111 : 11/08/13 : Magical Hours

So the 14,000 magical hours
had passed
and I laughed
and scorned its power
had I ever been serious
had I ever meant it
had that column ever been straight
was I the one who'd bent it
but the guy that told that tale
left the wife and kid behind
however I might slice it
I could never be that kind
but somewhere man
in the next eleven
hell I've got to figure
my own ladder up to heaven


Saturday, November 07, 2020

2.3110 : 11/07/13 : Partners in Rhyme

So Lou Reed's slamming
with the ancestors now
Lord Lou look down on me
and my weakness empower
with a whisper a new and
never heard rhyme
What about it partner
does it ring a chime
In the shadows of those
I'm unfit to sweep up
in my towering insufficiency
why do I still try to keep up
At long last have I
nothing but the gimmick
the Ghost of Lou Reed
as usual is inimical


Friday, November 06, 2020

2.3109 : 11/06/13 : Real Flight

Maybe now the real fight
the real flight to Egypt
or in this allegory
maybe Canada's the story
and the reason they tripped
is not quite as noble
this global shell game
Spit on my hands
and point to the stands
and they'll all say my name
and then the real fight
the daily call to right
Comes calling
I can act soft or rough
throw away the guff: it brooks no stalling


Thursday, November 05, 2020

2.3108 : 11/05/13 : Cycles Vicious

Feeling the cycles
vicious in the repetitions
the want to stop
the crazy machine
we're all on it
and yelling won't do anything
the bad stretch
always under the weather
how does everybody
keep it together
hope there's a bigger thing
a gear to engage
depart the cycles vicious
spin up a golden age


Wednesday, November 04, 2020

2.3107 : 11/04/13 : Baggage

The thing I forgot about
the traveling
how you dither back and forth
forget a thousand things
and how you fret over the lists
back in the baggage car
and how when you finally get there,
there you are
not being a sage
not being a wise one
I forget my lessons, mistake
the finger for the sun
I forget what's me
and what's the baggage
and dish another bowl
of boiled cabbage


Tuesday, November 03, 2020

2.3106 : 11/03/13 : Fix

Fix little things
if that's what presents
could use some fixing
I've got presentiments
of some days abed
Waiting up for me
I just keep fixing
as I'm drifting out to sea


Monday, November 02, 2020

2.3105 : 11/02/13 : So Me

This hideous affliction
is just so me
think about a tadpole
and a bumblebee
always transforming
flying all mysterious
always navigating
through this fog most furious
give me a centimeter
and a gram of force
and a solar system spanning lever
and a fulcrum of course
and a place to stand
and a signal to start
and so help me God
I'll finally move your heart


Sunday, November 01, 2020

2.3104 : 11/01/13 : Off To a Rousing Start

Rampant sickness
dismal work
try to do it all
still come off as a jerk
off to a rousing start
bold adventure
voyage of discovery
or maybe
an indenture
I suppose nobody ever
felt it all the time
suppose that if I scrape away
the rust and grime
I might find a living engine yet
beating slow but sure
what can I do but press on
try to keep my motives pure
