Tuesday, August 07, 2018

2.2287 : 08/07/11 : Perpetual Engine

It was good to swear an oath
to not giving up or quitting
to getting off the pot
or, failing that, shitting
but that rubicon's crossed
and it's time for the next
so may I offer the perpetual engine's context
this is a plutocratic oligarchy
no sane person can deny
so if you're seeing real change
in your mind's secret eye
you better know all we've tried
has come to far too little
You better know soon
there'll be no room left in the middle
the engine that won't stop is
imagination and heart
A silly kid's cliché I know
but it's the place I have to start
the means are devious
and prone to warp the soul
so it has to start on solid ground
to navigate that monstrous hole


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