Sunday, October 28, 2018

2.2369 : 10/28/11 : Have a Sexy Racist Halloween You Stupid Motherfucking Crackers

Have a sexy, racist Halloween
you stupid motherfucking crackers
That's a nice Pancho Villa you've tarted up
with your tits painted like maracas
Whatever happened to spacemen, and hobos
You with your suicide bomber lingerie
Along with the hijab and veil
in case you weren't subtle enough with the cliché
So have a sexy, racist Halloween
you stupid motherfucking crackers
When I see you in your feathers with your wampum sign
I'd like to treat you with a brick in you smackers
That's a real nice coolie hat with your kimono
slant your eyes up and say velly koor
you're mixing Chinese up with Japanese
like you give half a shit I'm sure
With your ghetto braids
your tiki witch doctor
Even your moms said you were
So damn dumb you shocked her
But you made it all so sexy
even in blackface and blacker
So have a sexy, racist Halloween
you happy motherfucking crackers


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