Tuesday, January 11, 2022

2.3540 : 1/11/15 : Voices (Endless Axis 273/500)

I don't hear voices
no it's more like a hum
lean in and I'll murmur
where I reckon it's from
this kid I know showed me
two mirrors opposed
and the illusion thus composed
two kids
two tin cans
ten billion strings
why in the hell
am I still counting things
wanna get up up
I deny myself my favorite leaf
and the new one I turned over
was bitter
and gave no relief
Soon the black tide
will roll over
you'll laugh but that's my
bright side
I add that one to the
book of searches
and give thanks to my
thick hide
let me lose the marks and reminders
let me find work
and affix the blinders
and let the not-voices
drone and roar
and let me want
for nothing more


1 comment:

scrivener said...
