And when on the other bank we stood
I said “this seems out of place
This peaceful quiet walk in the wood”
He said “there is a quiet place in hell a space
Where a silent and lonely deed is done
by those who once in silence and loneliness finished the race
That all we misbegotten creatures run
Each day fighting the way we are
We lose that race one day all every one
You need not walk very far
to understand what goes on here
Listen to the wind in the branches of this fine exemplar”
It said “son you’re gonna shed many a tear
Over so much that is not all it may seem
All pass through fire all face the end in fear
This is a dream a child’s dream
Floating, free high above
The expectations far beyond evil’s evil gleam
Beyond disappointment and loss of love
Beyond all fear of failing
Speak to rain and the mourning dove
And the soft wind sailing
It speaks on us we speak on it
Hear our greeting hear the distant hailing
Of the quiet wood beyond the river before the pit
the quiet shades who grow so slow
we are protected like all one day a new flesh to inherit”
And I said aside poet “is this where all must go
Who by their own hand lose the bitter fight”
He said “you must ask what you would know”
I said to the trees “are you happy in this endless twilight
Between forever and the end
Do you regret leaving the light
Where the rest of us seem compelled to spend
What little time we’re gifted with
What is the message you would send
How should I relate this myth?
of your final resting
What is the state of your sap and pith”
And a voice came back on the wind and said “cease your testing
Ethics and reality don’t always mix
A path lies open before all who go on questing
A wood waits for all the lunatics
the lonely and determined few
Who finally broke what er couldn’t fix
consider what you yourself might do
Walk on you need not remember us above: we will not remember you”
This song is part of a series loosely based on Dante's Inferno. You can read an essay about this series here. You can read a more general explanation of the origin of these lyrics here
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