Saturday, August 27, 2016

2.1577 : 8/27/09 : Me and the Devil’s Rancher’s Blues (The Devil’s Trichord 4/5)

It’s harder than it looks isn’t it?
To get onto a lot you start with such a little bit
and I’m walking a mile in your shoes
walking a while with me and the devil’s rancher’s blues
reread all my hurried notes and they all made sense
but did not make me want to dwell in the present tense
have you made your break friend or are you lurking still
If you don’t know the devil’s rancher
I imagine you will
I wouldn’t trade my son
for a used ukulele
At the crossroads I’m carrying
a big shillelagh
To ward off the devil’s rancher’s blues
but I have to take my chances there
to dig up some more clues
Well you’ll probably never see it
and I don’t really know you
but I felt pain and why you bid adieu
to the ghost world sometimes we all have to get real
And remember that the blues
aren’t all we can feel


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