Thursday, January 31, 2019

2.2464 : 1/31/12 : Letting Go

Let me believe
it is only that I need
to be letting go
to end the night
to plant the seed
it's hard to turn away
from the long investment
so much regret
so much resentment
but letting go
will start the ball rolling
let me believe
all the while the great bell
keeps tolling


Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2.2463 : 1/30/12 : Groove

How very badly I need a new groove
This self reproach
this thing I think I need to prove
I get tired just thinking about
All the searching and achieving
boy I need to get out
nothing comes natural
to me anymore
pretending not to be home
at the knock at the door
did I recognize opportunity
once I don't know
But these days for sure
I can say that it's no no no
How very badly this world needs a new
Been nothing new a long time
this thing just have to move
Don't look at me
I've got no keys for this heap
and what we guilty fools have sown
The innocent will likely reap


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

2.2462 : 1/29/12 : Seeing Stone

I cannot look into
this seeing stone
a minute more
I can't afford to
sit around and think
of what's in store
I can't afford to let
my mind get taken
even if it's true
whatever comes
will come and I must
think only of you
It was unfair
anyway I simply
was not equipped
happy to follow
just tell me who
and when our our crew gets shipped


Monday, January 28, 2019

2.2461 : 1/28/12 : Contigency

Switch to the
we will not change
not one degree
So face it and
prepare for change
it surely comes
it's in close range


Sunday, January 27, 2019

2.2460 : 1/26/12 : Minute Man (II)

Every lost minute
man every day
I'm sorry and
I'm sorry
but nothing to say
again no material
nothing that's new
so just the slightest bow
a bit of please
and thank you
whatever I had once
what was lost
eaten by rust
or covered in frost
consumed in darkness
or plain exploded
I'd like to ask whose fault
but the question's
so loaded


Saturday, January 26, 2019

2.2459 : 1/26/12 : Minute Man (I)

Wait a minute man
weren't we supposed to
Oh I forgot
now what was I
supposed to
It's hard to argue
it's going somewhere
when you keep asking
but it's only fair
but I've got to answer
it's a tough one i'n'it
and I've got to
leave it right this minute


Friday, January 25, 2019

2.2458 : 1/25/12 : Turned

What if the worm already turned
and it turned against me
and the best already came and went
what if you told me that and convinced me
let hope fly out of the box and then what
another day another worm turns in my gut
this saying this can't go on
Can't go on so stop already
the middle passage is arrived
what else is there but holding steady
What can I say I will be there
I'll say I was there while the chances burned
I'll say I was there when we did nothing
I'll say I was there when the worm turned


Thursday, January 24, 2019

2.2457 : 1/24/12 : Neo

Everything Neo
And everything post
Is a whole bunch of
what I hate most
I want my own thing
not reference
I want your truth
not your deference
everything neo is
just retreaded old
when a thing goes post
what's left is fools gold
What chance of a reboot
of a real turning
not new not after
it's now that I'm yearning


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

2.2456 : 1/23/12 : Tale

You put a stone on me
a heavy stone on me
and now I'm bending like a reed
as you can clearly see
what's the point of it all
the garden and the fall
and all who get sent off
and just to wait to hear the call
I will not stand for it
and be unmanned for it
high as you are I'll tell you plain
there's no demand for it
And explanations pale
and wonderments must fail
and if you want up on that boat
you need to float a better tale


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2.2455 : 1/22/12 : Changes

looking for the exit
from what?
Nothing ever stops or starts
The pieces get moved around
sometimes ground
So far down
it's like they really disappear
no thing ever can
of course
but truly they're not here
and changes may not
mean a lot
but we must
take what we can get
don't count those chickens
it's not as if we've done it yet


Monday, January 21, 2019

2.2454 : 1/21/12 : Light

Ironically the problem
maybe how I'm
pressing light into my eyes
ironically coherent
in the sense of being
full of very pretty lies
Half failing half succeeding
I could be worse but I'm not good
and my eyes are basting
in this light
if you've got anything to tell me
I really wish you would


Sunday, January 20, 2019

2.2453 : 1/20/12 : For Light

Am I looking in all the wrong
places for light
underneath the brass bed
on the wrong side of right
Though I read that the light
in the dark was the word
I could not find the place
where the thing could be heard
am I fleeing the light
and its obvious source
Am I just holding out
till the thing runs its course
the light in the darkness
the pitch of the bell
on a black painted sign
at the bottom of a well


Saturday, January 19, 2019

2.2452 : 1/19/12 : Karmic Debt

This must be karmic debt
that lines up so neat
like ducks on a street
Every situation like
the next
and how it got hexed
Failed when it was easy
now stuck with it hard
you'd think the devil
would be showing up
with a brochure and
a business card
will I discharge
this karmic debt
in this life
maybe not
there is nowhere else
to be
and there's no one else
but me
and it feels like I've fouled up
my one shot


Friday, January 18, 2019

2.2451 : 1/18/12 : Crummytown

There's said to be a corner
somewhere in crummy town
with a sign for a stop
sometimes a bus comes down
could I line up with the trippers
could I get a glimpse of it
that there is somewhere else to be
somewhere I might fit
oh how I dream of the chances
oh how I envy those who make it
oh how I wonder if my chance came
and if I somehow failed to take it
oh how I wish to feel something
besides a frown
it's impossible stuck
in this crummy town


Thursday, January 17, 2019

2.2450 : 1/17/12 : Looks Like

Looks like I blew the continuity again
and the thing has gone all meta
on itself again
looks like there's nothing much to me
except the blah blah blah
looks like plan b has got no farther
than the la di dah
It's all looking more and more
like another bad habit
what the hell else do you want me
to give up dag nabbit
why can't you just leave me alone
just take a hike
Because I can't do a damn thing
about what this looks like


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

2.2449 : 1/16/12 : Endless River

The degree to which
I haven't got this
is it me or the muse
which is remiss
I'm tired of the conversation
in my head
or on the wire
once upon a time there was
if not more than illusion
at least inner fire
and the endless river
does not care
and nobody gives a damn
if it all goes nowhere
So why should I do anything
but fuck it and float free
why indeed
well now what you ask me


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2.2448 : 1/15/12 : Void

The loss of last vices
leaves the void alone at last
with the erosion of the notion
I would ever be an iconoclast
me and the void up close and personal
its silent ringing hollow
nothing but space no place in the place
and its lesson far too much to swallow
when did I ever not carry it with me
when did it not warp my flow
What did it leave as a trace on the plate
only hard radiation will show
But wherever they look
and by whatever light
They'll not see the void inside
it doesn't show up sure it's strictly
a rumor that cuts deep and


Monday, January 14, 2019

2.2447 : 1/14/12 : Hunger

When philosophy fails
the hunger remains
and so the striving
remains a refrain
the object is hazy
but the hunger is sharp
and it bangs ever discordant
on this tacky gilded harp
and the creaky tune it cranks out
doesn't please even a little
it's just hunger sawing out
the standard plot on its
wrecked fiddle


Sunday, January 13, 2019

2.2446 : 1/13/12 : Revolution

Is this the revolution then
or does it start
when I stop waiting for ends
and beginning
just more bends
extra innings
and if every way
was blocked and dammed
and the power was cut
and the signal jammed
if the revolution was
not caught on tape
would it move any faster
would anyone escape?


Saturday, January 12, 2019

2.2445 : 1/12/12 : Power Bar

Could I get some power
in the form of a bar
something stamped with a star
something formulated
in an eldricht lab
Cthulu's power snack's
what I always grab
on my way to the horror
of the twilight sea
available in convenient
packages of three
always a good time
to feast on insanity
the only power bar
that makes you shriek oh the humanity


2.2444 : 1/11/12 : Material

What am I supposed to build
without material
how am I supposed to sail
this sea mercurial
the asking of these questions
just goes on and on
and the night's not young nor old
but the thrill is gone


Thursday, January 10, 2019

all been about the tall tale

And so there it is, the halfway point of the songs of day, project two. 5,000 down and 5,000 to go.  For a while I thought about trying to concoct some sort of fanfare around it, and I can't say that I really decided concretely not to: the truth is at the moment I just don't have the wherewithal. The full explanation of which could take a while: don't have the wherewithal for that either. And then there is the fact that I suspect that at this point, truly nobody is reading this. That or really nearly almost nobody. If you're out there, you don't seem to have anything to say about it. Which is fine, honestly. Fairly Secret was my call, and so it continues.

As a small concession I decided to run the continuity, a practice I let fall by the wayside quite a long while back now. It turns out I am on the longest run of unbroken songs without a miss, I think for the whole shooting match so far, first project included. It hasn't been a particularly conscious effort: my goal is always to hit it every day. I don't know what's behind the standout numbers. Maybe nothing of note.

So I could say so much more but leave it at that, and back to the unremarked and fairly secret posting. Stay kind and take care of each other, if there's anybody out there.


2.2443 : 1/10/12 : Value

: 5,000 : 191

What is the damn
secret of value
why can't you just
do what I tell you
I better not have to
talk to you about this again
you better change
you better win
well if not that
then what dad
well if not good
what else but bad
excuse me for wanting
just everything
for wanting to do nothing
or only sing


Wednesday, January 09, 2019

2.2442 : 1/9/12 : Canon

The final argument
of the king of sleep
the bad company
in these dreadful hours I keep
making the list
the wonderful list
of the canon
I won't get rich on it
oh no I'll get no fame
looks like I'm stuck
playing a longer
and harder game
maybe my mind's
incomplete bridge
will find a hook in there
to hang its span on


Tuesday, January 08, 2019

2.2441 : 1/8/12 : Moonshine

It's not illegal yet
to roll your own information
write your own song
throw your own beats down
you know it's all about reiteration
man this moonshine
it ain't smooth
but it's rocket fuel sure enough
like to get a little high
on my own supply
when the going gets a little rough
too much now
that's not allowed
they ought to let the old boys distill
but it's not my fight
I've got my own dusk to light
my own moonshine to run
off the grist I mill


Monday, January 07, 2019

2.2440 : 1/7/12 : The Reactionary

The poor confused reactionary
in me can't decide
where exactly we want to
get back to on this ride
the high school crush
the college trip
the job that beat our mind up
what state would correct the flow
of where we're going to wind up
Are we looking for
a time machine
or just the feeling of a time
when our hands were clean
or is the reactionary
really just on a nostalgia trip
fuck it
let's get started
time travelling
watch: the switch flip


Sunday, January 06, 2019

2.2439 : 1/6/12 : Reaction

Is it just the reaction
no pause to calibrate
no rest to
no return to the
steady state
this chain
has got to be cut short
I'll never
carry such a span
and so
one last
lament abort
and stuff
one last reel
in the can


Saturday, January 05, 2019

2.2438 : 1/5/12 : Options

looking for options
between give up and go crazy
not doing what I say
not sure it's just I'm lazy
just not knack I can find
for catchy and light
for not diving in the grim
for not staying up all night
old temptations and vices
no easy escapes or shortcuts
so much work lost in the flux
so much time lost in the ruts
how does this measure up
nothing fancy or extreme
something to walk away from
look for options in a dream


Friday, January 04, 2019

2.2437 : 1/4/12 : Joyride

Not enough joy
in the ride ride ride
Thinking maybe I let the
wrong things slide slide slide
If I want to get past
my previous best
just show me where to take
which test
the twinges and the
tingling are not what you think
can't spare another minute
to that sink
I want the ride
and I want it now
and that was where
I staked my vow


Thursday, January 03, 2019

2.2436 : 1/3/12 : CAT

I ought to emulate my cat
which makes a plaything
out of any this and that
who falls asleep
at the drop of a hat
in a sunbeam in the afternoon
I ought to cultivate
the mind of a child
I've got a great example
so free and wild
and it makes me feel bad
for all the cares I've piled
but I'm going to get


Wednesday, January 02, 2019

2.2435 : 1/2/12 : On the Wire

The stream uncrossed
the die uncast
oh don't look on
forget the past
and if I don't find a thing
in the flux
I might be wishing real hard
I'd lined up all my ducks
always in the maelstrom
no control
let's build a bigger bomb
burn up more coal
that's it I've had it
with this garbage on the wire
I'll rule that realm no more
tonight I retire


Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2.2434 : 1/1/12 : Start

Lose the plot
and fall asleep
something in my mindset
the company I keep
get sad in the morning
with the bread and the wine
hope with a good eight
to be feeling kind of fine
off to a so so start
don't want to talk about it
dumb arbitrary numbers
will it add up I doubt it
and still it is a start
well a continuation
and still the only place I've got
to look for recreation
