Thursday, January 10, 2019

all been about the tall tale

And so there it is, the halfway point of the songs of day, project two. 5,000 down and 5,000 to go.  For a while I thought about trying to concoct some sort of fanfare around it, and I can't say that I really decided concretely not to: the truth is at the moment I just don't have the wherewithal. The full explanation of which could take a while: don't have the wherewithal for that either. And then there is the fact that I suspect that at this point, truly nobody is reading this. That or really nearly almost nobody. If you're out there, you don't seem to have anything to say about it. Which is fine, honestly. Fairly Secret was my call, and so it continues.

As a small concession I decided to run the continuity, a practice I let fall by the wayside quite a long while back now. It turns out I am on the longest run of unbroken songs without a miss, I think for the whole shooting match so far, first project included. It hasn't been a particularly conscious effort: my goal is always to hit it every day. I don't know what's behind the standout numbers. Maybe nothing of note.

So I could say so much more but leave it at that, and back to the unremarked and fairly secret posting. Stay kind and take care of each other, if there's anybody out there.


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