Sunday, July 07, 2024

2.4447 : 7/6/17 : The Cure for Everything

The cure for everything
water and salt
sweat out every particle
of shame or fault
and tears that come and go
like the thunderstorms of summer
sometimes the honored guest
sometimes a lazy slummer
But mostly today
I salute the rear door
that opens to the other half
of the world from the near door
that other doorway that opened
to the new path looping round
to that other end of that one road
that runs the whole world
and oh that familiar sound
knew it in San Diego
The Gulf of Mexico
Midway the great Pacific
and how its tune did go
It sang the same
and the story it'd speak
lit up my battery in Chesapeake

"The cure for everything is saltwater - sweat, tears, and the sea" - sign in The Deadrise restaurant, Hampton VA


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