Tuesday, November 10, 2009

579 : 11/10/99 : Trading Dialog (Flesh and Bones: An Homage 26/101)

The victor with the snappy lines
Wins the right to be the figurehead
sets up house in the cradle of society
We’d be better off electing a blind mute instead
trading dialog for a place to stay
trading dialog for food
they talk us out of a hell of a lot
and if we balk they act so rude
power speaks a wordless language
a fist shook under our noses
the man with the plan he warns us
there’s no time to smell the roses
It’s time to depose the masters of
the lying rhetorical game
and knock our stupid little brother off the throne
and know power by its true name
it’s time to win the war of dialog
and roust this class of professional liars
all they do is talk in circles
and piss on imaginary fires

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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