Monday, April 13, 2009

400 : 5/15/99 : Seventh Highway (The Inertia Machine 34/36)

1,443 : 3 ?

When will I ride on the seventh highway
the one that stretches on and on, eternal
When will the high road appear before me
What will the I write on the last page of the journal
Are you listening way up on high
are you watching as I write through the pain
We need some maps down here the road we seek is missing
when will I find my way home again
Highway 61, Stanyan Street and Mullholland
Babylon and Ting and the Moonlight Mile
I’ve known so many roads and heard of more
The highway is our destiny our testament and trial
Lord won’t you take the wheel from me
And steer me to the proper exit ramp
steer me onto the seventh highway
Or maybe just leave me a lighted lamp
And I won’t hide it underneath my bed
I won’t let the Devil snuff it out
Otherwise I’ll search the highways in the dark
otherwise I guess I’ll have to tough it out

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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