Tuesday, June 08, 2010

790 : 6/8/00 : The Plagiarist

On page seventeen the novel
takes its second major twist
beginning with the seduction of Maria
ending with the introduction of the Plagiarist
In a stunning indictment of the genre cliché
the detective’s identity is unmasked
by the culprit of the dastardly plagiarism
long before the vital question is asked
In a surprising homage to the Library of Babel
the Plagiarist defends his actions thus:
insisting that eternity is time without direction
he’s in fact the one who’s been ripped off by us
in a final action of postmodern self dissection
the novel is revealed as the work
of the very plagiarist of which it tells a tale
cravenly copied by some undercover jerk
In the final stanza the secret is brought out
the Plagiarist is not a book as such
in fact it is the title of a very silly song
which is derivative of nothing very much.

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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