Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Lepton Lyrics 6: America

Isn’t it something that we can still
bury our heads in the sand so far?
Isn’t it something that we can still
claim that we really know where we are?

Isn’t it something that we can still
bury our heads in the sand so far?
Isn’t it something that we can still
claim that we really know where we are?

And I know...what I don’t know
Hey that’s a lot further than the
than the people who run things will go

And I know...ten white horses in a row
don’t make a thing that isn’t so
don’t make a thing that isn’t so

Passing the scene in America
are we an empire that’s seen her day?
watching the screen in America
maybe high time that we slipaway

Passing the scene in America
are we an empire that’s seen her day?
watching the screen in America
maybe high time that we slipaway

And I’s all a stupid game
pass the buck and shaft the masses
change the channel free from shame
And I know, I know I’m not to blame
alla this was going on
long before I knew my own name

Watching the sun...Set on America

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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