Songs to Wear Pants To

What is the structure what is the basis
What is the underlying form
We claim a basis we claim a knowledge
we claim a vaccine against the wurm
there is no basis there is no structure
this whole town is built on sand
All that we’ve built and all we’ve collected
Not one stone will stand
There is no plinth
There is no bedrock
We’re on swiftly shifting ground
This should come as no big shock
Don’t look for answers,
Don’t rock the structure
We all hold on with our eyes shut tight
Hands over our ears, mouths stuffed with refuse
fearing the fast approaching night
huddled in doorways lamps that are half full
Not one stone will be left to stand
All that can be shaken will be shaken
Makin’ the way for the promised land
You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here
Hey, I just wanted to say that i think this song is amazing. I heard it put to musical form at, and it's one of my favorite songs.
I was wondering what your main intention of meaning was in this song, because i can get some of the basic principles, but i don't really get the whole underlying meaning. Please explain.
My e-mail is
I wanted to note a couple of versions of this song that are out there -
From the inestimable Songs to Wear Pants To site where I commissioned the following recording - well worth a dollar, huzzah!
And someone covered THAT version in a cover contest Mr. Pants held! The kids know quality lyrics, what can I say. GO CHARCOILED!
As far as Robin's question above, I sent an email a long time ago, the short answer is, it is somewhat metaphysically about the end of the world but more immediately about the poor foundations of modern culture, with a lot of heavey-handed biblical reference thrown in.
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