Thursday, April 26, 2007

148 : 9/5/98 : Spiders (Alphabet 19/26)

Sure hope the spiders are on my side
Dear lord I surely hope they are
I hope they’re fighting for my side
I wish that on my lucky star
The powers of chaos and disintegration
of inefficiency and senseless vice
I like to think they hold it together
a little, a little English on my dice
Can I be saved can she be saved
Can anyone be saved in time
I only want some order in my life
Some reason and some rhyme
The center will not hold
it sways like someone drunk
The spiders hang in balance
illusions can’t distract the monk
They whisper nothing’s moving man
They whisper nothing’s changed
They know a lot just think of it
The time the lands the oceans they have ranged
And if they’re on my side
I’m sure that order can be kept
A gossamer balloon has been prepared
for me, while my enemies slept

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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