Thursday, January 03, 2008

220 : 11/16/98 : Over With

Let’s just fucking get it over with
thank God all the patterns and schemes are foundered
I can’t forget the way you watched and threw me
concrete-filled life preservers while I floundered
I’ve got a pile of bricks and a deep hole
I’ll build a vault to rock my cradle right into the grave
No one’s coming to rescue me are they
What made me think I was worth the trouble to save
this isn’t helping I know that for sure
Nothing ever helps not in the long run
and the long run’s all I’ve got to work with
such a long and strangely pointless pilgrimage under the sun
You gave your favorite signs and portents
you gave me a barrel full of doubts and dubious desires
You gave me the notion of of finding a better way
But I don’t know who you got to pull my wires
I’m sick of waiting and wondering always on the down
This is a mockery, a waste of time that profits not
I’m supposed to be glad I’m breathing still
I’m supposed to make do with the little I’ve got
You gave me a stone for a heart and a mind restless and bright
but not quite bright enough to pull out victory
And the heart’s not quite a stone enough
To free me from the burden of my own pathetic history
I said I wouldn’t do this anymore
I’d save my pages for a finer paradigm
I haven’t got the wherewithal to fight it
Not tonight I’ve got neither inclination or time

You can read an explanation of the origin of these lyrics here

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